Re: Relationship between IRB and Institutional Research
Dragoo, M. Heather 01 Mar 2004 15:56 EST
I have a question for those institutions that require IRB approval on
all projects involving subjects regardless of grant/sponsored funding.
What is your relationship with the Institutional Research Office? Are
they required to submit to the IRB for some/all projects? Usually our IR
is not required to submit to the IRB. However, they recently submitted
an application to take part in a national survey that asks students
questions about their drug/alcohol use. IR has participated in the study
for 5 years but decided to submit to the IRB. Regular institutional
research does not involve the IRB. However, this case appears to fall
within USI's IRB guidelines (and the IRB decided it requires full board
approval as well due to the nature of the survey instrument). This has
caused a bit of stir. If you could share any experiences concerning
Institutional Research and IRB, I would greatly appreciate.
The Assoc. VPAA wants IR to have a blanket exemption from IRB approval.
Do you agree or are there times when IR should submit to the IRB?
Thanks in advance.
Heather Dragoo
Sponsored Research Office
University of Southern Indiana
8600 University Blvd.
Evansville, IN 47712
(812) 465-1126
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