Re: Arts & Humanities Funding Opps Stephan Schaffrath 01 Mar 2004 15:05 EST

Dear Maggie

Here are some resources that I find very useful when I have humanities
or arts grant search requests:

-National Endowment for the Humanities
-National Endowment for the Arts
-Local foundations, easily located in region specific directories
-don't forget to check your state's government website for programs

I believe that Arts and Humanities funding opportunities exist largely
on a regional and local basis.  Depending on the type of project that
your faculty are interested in, you may also consider networking with
other organizations to explore alternative sources of funding.  Some
local governments may have a small budget for arts projects, for
instance.  Perhaps you'll even be able to find yourself a "patron."

So be creative!  I do believe that there is money for the arts and
humanities.  It just takes a little more work and imagination
identifying it than say for cancer research.

On Mon, 1 Mar 2004 13:34:15 -0600
 Maggie Pyle <xxxxxx@USOUTHAL.EDU> wrote:
>Fellow researchers:Have any you compiled resources on Arts &
>funding programs? Would appreciate hearing from you.Maggie Maggie
>Director, Office of  Sponsored Programs
>University of South Alabama
>Mobile, AL 36688
>(251) 460-6456
>(251) 460-7955 fax
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Stephan Schaffrath
Grants Specialist
IUP Research Institute
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
107D Stright Hall
Indiana, PA 15705

 Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
 subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
 via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")