Re: CFDA numbers and contracts Kathryn A. Page 05 Feb 2004 11:30 EST

--- You wrote:
I believe you are correct.   Our auditors still want something for the
schedule of federal awards, and so the numbering system we use for
contracts is XX.RD, where XX represents the number associated with the
agency issuing the contract or subcontract.  For example the listing we
would use in our schedule of federal awards for DOED would be 84.RD.  Just
to be clear, any subcontract under a grant would have the CFDA of the grant
that funds the subaward.
--- end of quote ---

This is what we do here at Dartmouth also.  Our auditors want to see the XX.RD on
the Schedule of Federal Awards.

Kathryn A. Page
Associate Director
Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP)
Dartmouth College

(P)  603-646-3659  (F) 603-646-1941

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