Memberships - allowable under OMB A-21?
Susan Pelton 03 Feb 2004 01:47 EST
I hope that someone out there can help me to resolve an issue that has come
up between our central office and one of our PIs.
I want to make sure that we are interpreting OMB A-21, section J28
(membership, subscriptions and professional activity costs) correctly. While
the institution's memberships and subscriptions *are* allowable, individual
(PI's, for example) memberships to professional organizations are *not*
allowable, correct?
Susan Pelton, Grants Administrator
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue, Admin 471
San Francisco, CA 94132
phone: 415/338-7090
fax: 415/338-2493
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