Re: NEH Grant General Provisions Andy Shepard 03 Feb 2004 08:28 EST

Hello Pat,

UNH is just starting to document research related procedures and at this
time have nothing for IPAS/OPAS. Does your organization have written
procedures for prior approval that you would be willing to share with me? I
will have to draft this up fairly quickly to accept the award.

Thanks, Andy

Andy Shepard                                   Phone: (603) 862-2436
Office of Sponsored Research          Fax: (603) 862-3564
University of New Hampshire        Email:
Durham, NH 03824-3585      

-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Hawk [mailto:xxxxxx@OHSU.EDU]
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2004 6:11 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] NEH Grant General Provisions

Hi Andy,

I don't think his is a new requirement.  To the best of my knowledge,
it's always been a requirement for NEH awards.  Back in the "old
days"--prior to the 1993 revisions to A-110, all institutions had to
have an OPAS (organizational prior approval system).  NIH called it an
"IPAS"--institutional prior approval system.   OPAS and IPAS were used
when agencies had to approve rebudgeting, no cost extensions, budget
carryovers, etc.--all the things we think of as the expanded authorities

You can meet this requirement if you have an existing procedure for
rebudgeting approvals and no-cost extensions.


Patricia A. Hawk
Policy Specialist, Sponsored Projects Administration
Oregon Health and Science University
Mail Code AD220
2525 SW First Ave.,Suite 220
Portland, OR  97201
Voice:  503-494-3211
Fax:  503-494-1191

>>> xxxxxx@UNH.EDU 02/02/04 02:21PM >>>
Hello Colleagues,

For those of you that have received a new NEH grant within the last
year or
so, I want to know if the general grant provisions included a
that your organization have a written Organizational Prior Approval
This seems to be a new requirement from NEH and we do not have a

I would be interested in receiving copies of written OPAS in order for
to meet this requirement, unless of course you have found a way around
requirement. If you want to email me directly, my email is

Thanks in advance for your responses.


Andy Shepard                                        Phone: (603)
Office of Sponsored Research               Fax: (603) 862-3564
University of New Hampshire             Email:
Durham, NH 03824-3585          

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