Hello all,
A short while back there was a discussion on this list serv of the value
of NIH Regional Seminars and I think I remember that the feedback was very
positive. I noticed that two regional seminars in program funding and
grants administration where just announced on January 20, one in Seattle
and one in MIami. I have two questions for the group on these.
First, are these seminars beneficial for both research administrators and
researchers? One group more than the other?
Second, are the seminars specific in any way to the region in which they
are held? In other words, is it worthwhile for someone form a
Massachusetts institution to go to a seminar in Miami or Seattle? Thanks
much for your responses.
Jean M. Murphy
Director of Pre-Award Services
Wellesley Centers for Women
E-mail: xxxxxx@wellesley.edu Phone: 781-283-2508 Fax:
Wellesley College, Cheever House, 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02481
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