Both Scope of Work (SOW) and Deliverables are important. They should be
prepared by knowledgeable individuals and reviewed by the office that has
understanding of legal sufficiency, usually the central sponsored programs
For some documents, e.g., NIH grant, the SOW is the proposal and the
deliverables are the reports specified by regulations. For others, e.g.,
subawards, they need to be clear, short, and objective. SOW involves verb
sentences (will do X, will make Y); Deliverables involve nouns (deliver
report at x time; deliver y product at z time).
If the SOW obviously involves goods and services not planned or budgeted
for, kick the project back to the academic management that approved it with
the observation that these goods and services are required, but not
provided for. Chairs and deans (or their designees) often fail to review
project documents as well as they should, or fail to understand the needs,
and often do not realize that the questions are raised on the routing form
to help them in understanding the allocation of resources. And PI's may
merely be being careless when not appropriately marking the routing sheet.
But if you bring it to academic management's attention that there are
"unfunded mandates" in the agreement, they will make the decisions
appropriate to the situation, and you will have documentation.
It is part of a central sponsored program office's job -- and lower level.
too! -- to catch this sort of error and refer it to a decision
maker. That's part of the value we add!
At 05:47 PM 1/5/2004, you wrote:
>First of all - Happy New Year.
>I would appreciate some feedback on this. Who is responsible for the
>content of the scope of work? We have an extensive routing form which is
>signed both by the PI and the chairman. What is the responsibility of the
>department vis-a-vis the PI and the office of grants and contracts who
>signs the documents.
>What happens when the routing form is marked off as no on the need for
>space, alterations and the use of hospital facilities and the scope of work
>requires all these items?
>We are attempting to deal with this obstacle.
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Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
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