Electronic Submission to Foundations
Turcu, Simona 16 Dec 2003 09:45 EST
Fellow Research Administrators:
For those of you who are reviewing proposals submitted to various
Foundations and Associations that have recently started to accept online
applications, I have a question:
What kind of internal control are you applying when the terms and conditions
are incorporated in the application package as a policy and not in the award
package (e.g. American Cancer Society)? The application requires signatures
and acceptance of the policy (terms and conditions) when submission is
complete, which could be tricky if the PI applies online and the Research
Office receives only the award and is never informed about the whole
application package.
I am looking forward to your suggestions.
Thank you.
Simona M. Turcu
Research Contract/Grant Specialist
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
ASB III, 3 Rutgers Plaza, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8559
Phone: (732) 932-0150 x 2108
Fax: (732) 932-0162
E Mail: xxxxxx@orsp.rutgers.edu
Web: http://orsp.rutgers.edu
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