Re: data sharing Shelly Ziegler 11 Dec 2003 12:24 EST

I would be interested in feedback on this as well.  On one hand, there
are guidelines granting ownership of NIH-funded data to the institution
that generated it (and therefore it seems the institution should be able
to share/use it anyway they choose as long as the information gets
disseminated to the rest of the public in a timely manner).  On the
other hand, I have questions about how something like private business
use regulations, for example, or anything else that may be applicable if
one company is allowed to benefit from seeing/obtaining the data before
the rest of the scientific community.  I can not find NIH guidelines
forbidding the sharing of NIH-generated data in this way.  Do any exist?
 Is anyone aware of other regulations/concerns about this?

With thanks,

Shelly Rose Ziegler
Corporate Research Associate
Technology and Research Collaborations
Oregon Health & Science University
2525 S.W. 1st Avenue, Suite 120
Mail code: AD120
Portland, OR 97201-4753
Phone: (503) 494-3712   Fax: (503) 494-4729

>>> xxxxxx@OHSU.EDU 12/10/2003 9:13:08 AM >>>
Good morning,

We are interested in finding out whether anyone has a policy
specifically addressing the sharing of data arising from NIH-funded
grants with industry, before it is made available to the rest of the
scientific community.

Do any of your institutions see providing NIH-sponsored data to a
specific company before publication/general release as an issue
into consideration these companies would have sliding scale
relationships with your institution - from just a material provider,
moving up to a licensee or start-up company)?

If so, do any of your institutions have a policy addressing data
sharing with outside companies in general, or for any specific
situations (aside from the NIH's new policy for grants of $500K or
per year)?

If anyone with such a policy could share this document or excerpts
it, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks much,


Kara Manning, PhD
Integrity Manager
Conflict of Interest in Research
Institutional Biosafety Committee
OHSU Research Integrity Office, L106RI
Oregon Health & Science University
2525 SW 1st Ave., Ste. 125
Portland OR 97201

phone: 503-494-6727
fax: 503-494-7787

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