NCHRP grant program Mary Laura Farnham 12 Sep 2003 09:44 EST

Dear Friends!
We are in the process of preparing a proposal to the Transportation
Research Board, National Research Council for the National Cooperative
Highway Research Program.  The guidelines require that we sign a Liability
Statement.  The guidelines state that, "Responses submitted without this
executed and unaltered statement by the response deadline will be summarily
rejected."  We have some problems with the language in the Liability
Statement and believe most, if not all universities, would as well.  Has
anyone submitted a proposal to this program, and have you had any luck
"negotiating" changes to the required statement?  Unfortunately, the
deadline is fast approaching, so a quick response would be greatly
Mary Laura Farnham

Mary Laura Farnham, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
University of Nebraska at Omaha
EAB 202
6001 Dodge Street
Omaha, Nebraska  68182-0210
(402) 554-2286 telephone
(402) 554-3698 fax

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