When we a fairly certain of an award and we get a note from the dean or
chair agreeing to underwriting the cost of the project should the award
not actually happen, we set up the sponsored programs account that the
project will use once the award arrives. This means:
-the PI and secretary don't have to be confused about what account
number to use;
-we don't have to transfer charges from the temporary account to the
permanent one;
-we don't have to keep checking the temporary account later in the year
to make sure no subsequent charges have been incurred.
If an award doesn't materialize, we move the charges to the account that
agreed to underwrite them.
I gather that the business has been keeping you occupied. By the way,
how does
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Schulze [mailto:xxxxxx@CCMAIL.NEVADA.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 11:03 AM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: [RESADM-L] Funding Continuity
We are seeking to bolster local streamlining efforts by gathering a
collection best practices concerning how universities deal with funding
continuity. By funding continuity, I mean the ways that institutions
provide for recurring situations such as:
1) You know a grant will have an effective date of October 1st, but you
need to exercise your 90-day preaward option and get graduate assistants
on the payroll & pay their tuition in mid August...
2) An agreement is only partially executed, and the fully executed copy
is not likely to arrive until after the start date - and the PI needs to
order equipment, hire students, etc....
3) The current year of a multi-year award is coming to an end, but the
assured continuation funding has not yet arrived - and employment
documents need to be processed to that project staff & students will
continue to get paid...
4) A federal cooperative agreement for millions of dollars approved for
multiple projects is in place, but because of continuing resolutions,
initial obligations are insufficient to cover needed encumbrances - but
the research is expected to go forward....
These are but a few of the real world situations we encounter, and I'm
sure they are familiar to you as well. In situations such as this the
risk factor is almost zero, and we deal with them - but our current
process is cumbersome and inefficient. I am aware that institutions use
various techniques such as setting up unbillable accounts, temporary
accounts, internal overrides, etc., but it would really help our efforts
if I had a good selection of best practices.
So if any of you all have policies or procedures you could share via
comment, attached files, or URL references, I would really appreciate
it.... I also will be happy to make what I collect available to others
who may be interested...
William E. Schulze, EdD
Director of Sponsored Programs
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Phone (702) 895-1357
Fax (702) 895-0986
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