Re: GA tuition in budgets/grants Cook, Judy 12 Aug 2003 10:41 EST


thanks for making the point about consistency across the institution !!  I
keep telling people that is the case, but they insist that if they budget
it, and the grant is funded - then it's ok....

Judy Cook
Research Administrator
Family & Community Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
3701 Kirby Drive, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77098-3915
Phone: 713-798-3630    Fax: 713-798-7940

-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Hawk [mailto:xxxxxx@OHSU.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 10:32 AM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] GA tuition in budgets/grants

An important point to remember about budgeting graduate assistant tuition in
proposals is found in A-21, Section J.41 on scholarships and student aid
costs.  It has to be part of your institution's practice to similarly
compensate students in non-sponsored as well as sponsored activities.  So,
for example, if every student on a teaching or research assistantship at
your institution gets $5,000 tuition remission, then it can be charged to
federal agreements because it's an institutional practice.   I've seen it
done where tuition is a direct cost and where it isn't.


Patricia A. Hawk
Assistant Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
Oregon Health and Science University
Mail Code AD220
2525 SW First Ave.,Suite 220
Portland, OR  97201
Voice:  503-494-3211
Fax:  503-494-1191

>>> xxxxxx@SIU.EDU 08/12/03 08:07AM >>>
We currently do not budget graduate assistant tuition in proposals (or
charge it to grants) but we are reconsidering it.  My impression from
conversations at NCURA and SRA meetings is that most universities charge
it.  Anyone care to weigh in?

Jeff Myers
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, Illlinois

At 10:16 AM 8/11/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Good Morning,
>For those of you at private colleges and universities, what is your
>institutional policy on including tuition in proposals?  Do you include
>it?  If so, how much do you include?  The total amount per student, a
>percentage, or certain number of credit hours?
>Thank you,
>Lori Messer, Director
>Research & Sponsored Programs
>Wake Forest University
>P.O. Box 7528 Reynolda Station
>Winston-Salem, NC  27109
>(336) 758-5888
>(336) 758-1959 fax
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