Re: A-133 Subrecipient Monitoring
Herbert B. Chermside 10 Jul 2003 15:28 EST
Bob, this was the subject of significant discussion at COGR in June, along
with discussion of the guidance for A-133 auditors regarding subaward
monitoring. Bob Killoren led the discussion
It seemed the clear consensus that a certification SHOULD be
enough. Another solution is that many post their A-133 audits on their
websites. Finally, there is a clearinghouse the feds have, but I think it
is pretty incomplete.
Try contacting Bob K.
At 12:32 PM 7/10/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Our auditors are insisting that we obtain the actual copy of our
>subrecipient's A-133 audit report to be in compliance with A-133. Their
>interpretation is that this is required under the Part 3 section M of the
>March 2003 audit supplement. Under the heading, "Suggested Audit
>Procedures-Compliance" the fifth item states that the auditors should
>verify "that the pass-through entity receives audit reports from
>We like most universities and non-profits have our subrecipients certify
>that their A-133 audit was completed, there were no material weaknesses
>and there were no findings related to our particular sub-award. Can
>someone point me to a specific reference that authorizes the certification
>as a substitute for actually obtaining the subrecipient's A-133 report?
>(Especially, when the subrecipient is low risk and there are no material
>weaknesses or findings.)
>Thanks for your help.
>Bob E. Wolfson
>Senior Vice President / Chief Operating Officer
>Public Health Institute
>555 12th Street, 10th Floor
>Oakland, CA 94607-4046
>510.285.5512 / fax: 285.5501
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Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
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