Re: IP in Commercially Funded Clinical Trials Herbert B. Chermside 02 Jul 2003 12:09 EST

ANY invention made by our researchers alone, using university administered
space or other resources, including sponsored programs, belongs to the
university.  If the invention is joint, we will share ownership.

Drug companies like to claim all inventions made with any relation to their
products, but there is no reason to capitulate.  It IS important, however,
to reassure the company that you have no designs on intellectual property
they already own.


At 05:30 PM 7/1/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>I would like to what terms your institution is willing to accept relative
>to inventions developed under the following commercially funded clinical
>trial situations:
>1. A company developed protocol and a company owned drug/device.
>2. A faculty/PI developed protocol and a company owned drug/device.
>Thanks very much for your time and response!
>Nolan Gomm
>Nolan Gomm
>Deputy Director
>Department of Contracts & Grants
>University of Southern California
>2250 Alcazar Street, CSC-219
>Los Angeles, CA 90033
>Phone: 323-442-2398/2396
>Fax: 323-442-2835
>Nolan Gomm
>Deputy Director
>Department of Contracts & Grants
>University of Southern California
>2250 Alcazar Street, CSC-219
>Los Angeles, CA 90033
>Phone: 323-442-2398/2396
>Fax: 323-442-2835
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Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Virginia Commonwealth University
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