I think that the definition of PI as "THE ONE individual designated by the
applicant organization to direct the project or program" (see 398 instruction
makes it clear that "co-PI" is meaningless. Of course this doesn't deter
faculty members from believing that being list as a co-PI will somehow advance
their career. I tell them that the people you probably need to impress will
know that this means nothing.
After saying all this, I have heard that "Co-PI-ship" is being considered by
NIH as a way of fostering inter-institutional collaboratons and paving the way
for more dual-agency sponsorship of grants.
Charlie Hathaway
Quoting "Mckeough, Pamela M" <xxxxxx@IUPUI.EDU>:
> The NIH 398 instructions used to include a statement something to the
> effect that NIH did not recognize the concept of co-PIs. I can't seem
> to find that statement in the current instruction packet. Does anyone
> know if NIH deleted it or, if not, where it can be found. Thanks.
> Pam McKeough
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Pamela M. McKeough
> Director, Sponsored Program Administration
> Research and Sponsored Programs, IUPUI
> Indiana University
> Phone: (317) 274-8285
> E-mail: xxxxxx@iupui.edu
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