Clinical Trial Agreements
Paplauskas,Leonard 16 Jun 2003 09:57 EST
Our Clinical Trials Office reports that 4 out of 5 pharma clinical trial sponsors are now insisting that the institution keep confidential the fact that we are conducting a particular clinical trial.
In essence, they are saying that we cannot publish reports to the Board of Trustees and the State which contains the specifics of a clinical trial, e.g., study drug, indication, etc. In fact, they are insisting that our internal databases not contain this information.
Is this a problem anyone else has encountered?
Leonard P. Paplauskas
Associate Vice President for Research Administration
University of Connecticut Health Center
Farmington, CT 06030-1920 (external e-mail) (internal e-mail)
860-679-3173 (phone)
860-679-1371 (fax)
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