Payback agreement for postdoctoral support from an institutuional NRSA Dolce, Peter J 22 May 2003 11:13 EST

Does postdoctoral support from an institutional NRSA require payback?

One of our graduate students will start a postdoc in July and will be funded
by an NIH Institutional Training Grant; the institution where he'll be
training sent him a payback agreement.  The intent of the agreement (and of
the NIH Grants Policy Statement) seem to be that the first 12 months of
both individual and instutional support trigger the payback requirement.
Parts of the agreement, however, seem to apply only to the individual award,
e.g., "I understand that my first 12 monts of Kirschstein-NRSA Individual
Fellowship support for postdoctoral research training carries with it a
payback obligation."

Peter J. Dolce, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Research Support Services
Meharry Medical College
1005 D. B. Todd Boulevard
Nashville, TN  37203

Phone 615 327 6703
Fax 615 327 6716

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