Rebudgeting chart by agency? Susan Pelton 08 May 2003 15:29 EST

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has a chart (or "cheat sheet") of the of
percentages of rebudgeting allowed by agency without prior approval.  (i.e.
In the case of NIH grants, 25% of the total budget can be moved).

Also, can someone explain what constitutes a rebudgeting change? Our
university's accounting system is, in most cases, much more detailed than
the agency's. For example, we have several sub-categories under 'personnel,'
whereas the agency's budget will lump all salaries for the project under the
general category of 'personnel.' My question is, does a change within our
internal subcategories (i.e. From 'p/t faculty' to 'temp help') constitute a
rebudgeting change if it not moved out of the agency's broader categories
(personnel in this case).


Susan Pelton, Grants Administrator
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Avenue, HSS 204
San Francisco, CA 94132
phone: 415/338-7090
fax: 415/338-2493

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