Re: Proposal Narrative Review - Important? Tania H. Clucas 07 May 2003 13:43 EST

Winona -

I work in a department, not a central OSP, and read about 250 proposals
a year. I'm not looking for science (though I've learned much) I'm
looking for

1) Compliance - Animal Care, Human Subjects, Radiation, Biosafety. Have
they done their applications, etc...

2) Cost Sharing/Match - What are they committing us to, and what are
they claiming they'll get as in-kind support. It's saved our bacon a
time or two.

3) Major equipment purchases - Usually not that big of a deal, since we
tend to buy expensive equipment and then throw it off the boat. But . .
. I had a faculty member slip in a new muffle furnace in a proposal
(luckily before I started reviewing). The proposal was funded, he
ordered the muffle furnace, and then told our facilities people that
they needed to figure out how to install it. What a fiasco!

4) Connections to make. Since I read their work, I know who is doing
what, and have actually successfully hooked some of our faculty up when
they were doing similar science, but didn't realize it. If I can help
them collaborate and make contacts, that's great!

5) Following agency guidelines, and I'm a glorified copy editor too. To
quote one of my faculty "You have to let the author's voice speak, even
when he's mumbling".

Most of the other that I can think of is really compliance related -
restrictions on citizenship of participants, IP issues, etc.

In my experience on both sides -- pre and post award -- if you don't
have someone reviewing the proposals, you end up with a bucketload of
trouble when/if they get funded. If nothing else, appeal to their ego -
this proposal represents them and the organization. Wouldn't they feel
better if it had a quick check to make sure that nothing egregiously
obvious and embarrassing is in it?


 Accountability and accounting are not the same thing

Tania H. Clucas, CRA            
Sponsored Programs Manager                       Voice 907.474.6736
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences           Fax   907.474.7204
University of Alaska Fairbanks    

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