Re: Daily Maximum Consultant Rate
Dara Little 06 May 2003 16:23 EST
Thanks Robyn... the new rate was just announced at the SRA meeting in
Memphis last week during an NSF Update session.
So is this cap specific only to NSF or all federal projects (I thought it
was all). I have the NSF GPM reference but I thought that stemmed from some
"greater federal document."
At 04:03 PM 5/6/2003 -0500, Robyn Remotigue wrote:
>The general rule of thumb is to follow what is allowable by NSF. It is
>posted on their web. Do a search for consultant rate? The late time I
>had to look, which has been a while it was $498.00
>Robyn B. Remotigue
>Sponsored Programs Administrator
>P.O. Box 6156
>Mississippi State, MS 39762
>FEDEX address:
>305 Bowen Hall
>Hardy Road
>Mississippi State, MS 39762
>662.325.9133 FAX
> >>> xxxxxx@UIC.EDU 05/06/03 03:50PM >>>
> >Hi All,
>Could someone out there please let me know where I can find the reference
>to the max that you can charge a consultant (currently $513/day I believe)
>on a federal project? I'm not sure what set of guidelines (i.e. FAR, CFR)
>this falls under.
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Dara C. Little
Research Coordinator
University of Illinois at Chicago
Office of Research Services
304 AOB, M/C 672
1737 West Polk Street
Chicago, IL 60612-7227
Phone (312) 996-1975
Fax (312) 996-9005
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