Research Compliance Speaker Needed at UCONN Health Center GCRC Program
Paplauskas,Leonard 22 Apr 2003 10:01 EST
Due to a last minute cancellation, our GCRC has asked me to place the following on the listserv. I would appreciate it if you would forward this to an appropriate research compliance officer at your institution, and ask them to contact Ms. Alves (860-679-2819) of our GCRC for further information.
Thanks for your help.
Leonard P. Paplauskas
Associate Vice President for Research Administration
University of Connecticut Health Center
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alves,Lisanne
> Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10:45 AM
> To: Paplauskas,Leonard
> Subject: Please proofread before you send this out...thanks!
> We are offering an educational program for our investigators, IRB, scientific advisory committee and office of research compliance members and staff regarding the topic of Data Safety Monitoring Plans (DSMPs) and Data Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs). The point of view of the Office of Research Compliance needs representation on this panel discussion. We are seeking a representative from this field that could give some information on what their institution requires and how they manage the research compliance aspects of DSMPs in clinical research. (consists of a 10 minute presentation and participation in a Q&A session with audience and panel members). A $500 honorarium and travel expenses is being offered for participation in the program on May 12, 1:00- 4:00 PM at University of Connecticut Health Center.
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