Re: Graduate student tuition on grants
Pat Hawk 28 Jan 2003 22:56 EST
You can charge tuition; as Vivian pointed out, there are limits on what the total compensation can be. Also remember what A-21 says. "Tuition remission" is allowable if it is the "institution's practice to similarly compensate students in nonsponsored as well as sponsored activities". This is found in J.43 in A-21.
Patricia A. Hawk
Assistant Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
Oregon Health and Science University
Mail Code AD220
2525 SW First Ave.,Suite 220
Portland, OR 97201
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>>> xxxxxx@BRANDEIS.EDU 01/28/03 09:35AM >>>
Our institiion is contemplating having PI's on RO1's include tuition in the
budget for graduate students working on the project. I'd be interested to
hear from any of you if this is being done at your institutions and if it
is included only on R01s. How is the tuition budgeted? Percentage based on
effort? Does the student receive any additional compensation from the
Thanks for your help on this.
Roberta C. Nary, CRA
Office of Sponsored Programs MS 116
Brandeis University
781 736/2119
781 736/2123
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