#2 is covered explicitly in A-21.
The base salary for an AY salary is NOT changed. The summer pay is at the
same RATE as the previous AY salary. In our institution we have a separate
payroll type for summer pay for AY faculty, because the employee benefits
are calculated for a 12 mo. period and spent over a 9 mo. period, so the
only "benefit" is the FICA/medicare on the summer pay (we use an "hourly"
payroll type for summer).
#1 is somewhat more problematic, and may depend on your internal
policies. The "additional work" (which cannot be the grant work itself)
may be a temporary supplement for temporary additional work, under your
overload policy. Read your policy carefully to determine if this is really
an increase in "base pay"; it probably is not if the work is temporary. If
the additional work is a permanent change in work assignment that increases
"base pay" on a permanent basis, then it is truly an increase in base pay.
At 02:13 PM 1/24/2003 -0900, you wrote:
>I have a couple of specific questions with respect to this same area.
>1. What if a faculty member's duties have increased because he has taken on
>additional work outside the work described in his contact and the department
>wants to adjust his compensation accordingly?
>2. In another situation, suppose a faculty member normally has a 9 month
>position and takes on additional summer work during the 3 summer months
>resulting in an increase in his "base" pay.
>Is there a compliance problem in either of these situations as long as his/her
>100% of effort is allocated to all the activities that the faculty member is
>participating in?
>Ginger Baker
>Fred Averick wrote:
> > I have always understood that an individual's base salary cannot increase
> > solely because of the receipt of a Federal grant. A21 section J.8.d talks
> > about this for faculty--but what if the person is a "research
> > scientist?" Is there a specific Federal rule against this?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Fred Averick
> > Sponsored Research Administrator
> > Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
> > New York University
> > ph: (212) 998-3372
> > fax: (212) 995-4125
> >
> > ======================================================================
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>Ginger Baker
>Statewide Office of Cost Analysis
>University of Alaska
>Statewide Systems Office
>910 Yukon Drive, Suite 209C
>P.O. Box 756540
>Fairbanks, AK 99775-6540
>Email: xxxxxx@alaska.edu
>Telephone: (907) 474-6496
>Fax: (907) 474-5167
> Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
> subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
> via our web site at http://www.hrinet.org (click on "Listserv Lists")
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