Re: Medical Expenses for Lab Personnel Ruth B Smith 06 Jan 2003 16:45 EST

In my experience, health safety costs are covered by institutions
centrally.  They are indirect costs of doing business that are often
attributable to multiple departments and projects.  The particular unit
responsible should either be employee health or research, depending upon
where funds are available.

Ruth Smith
Executive Director
Old Dominion University Research Foundation
Ph 757-683-4293, ext. 600
Fax 757-683-5290
Mobile Ph 757-469-5675

 Gamaliel L."             To:       xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
 <xxxxxx@MAIL.MM        cc:
 C.EDU>                   Subject:  Re: [RESADM-L] Medical Expenses for Lab
 Sent by: Research         Personnel

 01/06/2003 03:10
 Please respond to
 Discussion List

 I, too, would be interested in knowing how this problem is handled.

 G.L. Ballard
 Assoc. Director
 Research Support Servives
 Meharry Medical College
 Nashville, TN 37208
 -----Original Message-----
 From: George Turnbull [mailto:xxxxxx@UMRESEARCH.UMD.EDU]
 Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 1:48 PM
 To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
 Subject: [RESADM-L] Medical Expenses for Lab Personnel

 We are reviewing the recovery of health safety costs for personnel
 involved in animal research.  In most cases these costs (such as
 immunizations for rabies, tetanus, hepatitis, etc.) are not covered
 by the individuals' medical insurance, and thus must be recovered
 directly from the grants they support or the departments where they
 work.  This can complicate the preparation of proposal budgets and
 the allocation of the costs.  (None of the labs are recharge centers
 under OMB Circular A-21.)

 I would appreciate it very much if any of the Listserv members can
 guide me to institutional policies that address this issue.  Thanks!

 George Turnbull
 Compliance Administrator
 University of Maryland
 Office of Research, Administration, and Advancement
 Lee Building, Room 3103
 College Park, MD 20742
 Fax 301-314-9569


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