Re: Current & Pending Support Pat Hawk 03 Jan 2003 11:59 EST

Happy New Year!

Val, I think it depends on the sponsoring agency.  If you look at NSF's Grant Proposal Guide, their instructions indicates the "proposed project and all other projects or activities requiring a portion of time of the PI and other senior personnel must be included, even if they receive no salary support ....."  Based on other responses received on this question, NIH says they don't want it.


Patricia A. Hawk
Assistant Director, Sponsored Projects Administration
Oregon Health and Science University
Mail Code AD220
2525 SW First Ave.,Suite 220
Portland, OR  97201
Voice:  503-494-3211
Fax:  503-494-1191

>>> xxxxxx@EMAIL.UAH.EDU 01/03/03 06:24AM >>>
Good Morning ListServers --

When you are submitting current & pending support information with a
proposal, do you include THAT proposal's information as part of your
"pending" or just everything else that the PI (and other applicable
personnel) has in other pending proposals?

Thank you.

Val Seaquist
Office of Research Administration
The University of Alabama in Huntsville

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