Re: IRIS, SPIN, COS, etc. Mickey McLaurin 14 Oct 2002 14:51 EST

Linda now has it.

Mickey McLaurin
Program Development Specialist
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
University of Mississippi
125 Old Chemistry
University, MS 38677
Ph. (662) 915-7482
Fax (662) 915-7577

-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [] On
Behalf Of Charlie Hathaway
Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 1:51 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] IRIS, SPIN, COS, etc.

I also sense that the biomedical academic community prefers COS.

Kinda funny since
SPIN is a .org
IRIS is a .edu
COS is a .com

Quoting Thomas Drinane <xxxxxx@DARTMOUTH.EDU>:

> For what it's worth, I did an analysis a while back on faculty use of
> various search engines, and found COS by far the top choice.  Of
course, that
> may have to do with the nature of our institution, which includes a
> school.  Different faculty might find other tools more useful.
> Tom Drinane
> Info Systems Analyst
> Office of Grants and Contracts
> HB 6210
> Dartmouth College
> 11 Rope Ferry Road
> Hanover, New Hampshire  03755-1404
> 603-646-3008 (Voice)
> 603-646-1941 (Fax)
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