Re: F&A in a subcontractor budget
Baumann, John 08 Oct 2002 11:43 EST
It all depends upon their F&A agreement. If you look at the NIH
checklist page, you will see that there are several types of bases that
can be used to calculate F&A: modified total direct cost, off-site or
special rate, SALARY AND WAGES base, and other. Assuming they are not
doing it wrong, their agreement may require the use of the Salary and
Wage base.
In order to make sure that F&A is properly requested by a sub and paid
by us, we always require that a subcontractor, if they are requesting
F&A, provide us with a copy of their agreement.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robyn Remotigue [mailto:xxxxxx@SPA.MSSTATE.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:24 AM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: [RESADM-L] F&A in a subcontractor budget
I received a budget from another University that will be a
subcontractor. In the budget, they only charged F&A on the salary and
fringe line item. Naturally this would be a loss for them and a gain
for us. However, since I have never seen this done, I wanted to find
out if anyone has had a budget like this one. Is anyone aware of any
particular ruling on this type of budget? Your help would be
appreciated. - Robyn
Robyn B. Remotigue
Sponsored Programs Administrator
P.O. Box 6156
Mississippi State, MS 39762
662.325.9133 FAX
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