Re: NASA Grant Clause/Equipment Stephen Erickson 29 Aug 2002 23:25 EST

If this is under a grant or cooperative agreement, OMB Circular A-110 states that, at the end of the project, if the grantee reports it does not have a further use for the equipment, the awarding agency can issue disposition instructions for up to 120 days after the grantee's notice.


GSchmidt wrote:

> Vesting title with the university upon acquisition means it's yours.  If
> they're coming in and taking the equipment to use someplace else, it
> doesn't sound like they're giving you title at the time of purchase.  It
> sounds like they're reserving the right to determine at close-out what
> the disposition of any equipment might be.
> Smith,Lois M wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I'm interested in this subject too.  We've not had the problems with the NASA grants officers but more with the oversight by ONR Chicago.  If it's not specifically listed they want to know who approved and why it's needed.  Also "general purpose" i.e. computers really raise flags.
> >
> >I'm wondering if anyone else has heard that even though it vests with the University upon acquisition, they still have the option to take it back if it would be useful to them.  Is this unique to NASA Glenn or am I missing something?
> >
> >Lois Smith
> >Associate Controller, Sponsored Programs
> >The University of Akron
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Valerie Seaquist [mailto:xxxxxx@EMAIL.UAH.EDU]
> >Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 3:53 PM
> >To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
> >Subject: [RESADM-L] NASA Grant Clause/Equipment
> >
> >
> >Dear ListServers,
> >
> >I need some help in interpreting a NASA "Grant & Cooperative Agreement
> >Handbook" clause, 1260.27 -- Equipment and other property. It has been my
> >understanding that if we wish to purchase equipment costing in excess of
> >$5,000 that we have not proposed by name, we must have the approval of the
> >NASA grants officer. ("Acquisition of . . . equipment costing in excess of
> >$5,000 . . . and not included in the approved budget, requires the prior
> >approval of the NASA Grant Officer.") This assures that we have approval to
> >make this purchase and that title to the equipment will vest in the
> >University.
> >
> >We presently have two NASA cooperative agreements which contained funds for
> >unspecified equipment and the grants officers are telling us that as long as
> >we do not exceed the authorized amount of the equipment allocation, we do
> >not need to request approval to purchase a specific item.
> >
> >Is this correct and I do not need specific item purchase approval? Or should
> >I continue insisting on specific approval?
> >
> >Val Seaquist
> >Office of Research Administration
> >The University of Alabama in Huntsville
> >
> >
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Stephen Erickson, Director
Research Compliance and Intellectual Property Management
Boston College, McGuinn 221
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Telephone: 617-552-3345 - On-Campus Fax:  2-0747
Fax to My Computer: 413-895-8328

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