1) No other agency has a requirement like this. This may be something
dreamed up by the Army lawyers; I don't think it is in the legislation, but
I haven't looked specifically.
2) Memory says the requirement has been there since near the beginning
of the specific Congressionally directed program (this is the kind of
research more frequently supported by NIH). Several institutions,
including mine, have preferred to do other than human subjects research
sponsored under this program for exactly this reason.
You may want to contact COGR for more info.
http://www.cogr.edu/ or
The problem is significant. It may be particularly bad for state
institutions that are required by state law to be self-insured, but are
unwilling to undertake this risk.
I'd appreciate being kept up to date with anything on this subject that ensues.
At 01:33 PM 8/26/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I am hoping someone can help me with my questions.
>I am with the Higher Education Practice with Marsh, an insurance broker. We
>have about 1000 college and university clients. A concern has just
>surfaced among several of the risk managers re DOD-Army medical research
>contracts. It has to do with subject DAMD 17-02-1-0033 requiring
>institutions to provide medical care to research subjects at no cost to the
>subject for injury or illness as a result of participating in a clinical
>trial. The obvious concerns are availability of coverage and cost.
>My questions are simple.
>1. Do other research funding agencies, i.e. DHHS, NIH, etc. have similar
>clauses/requirements, and
>2. How long has this requirement been in existence?
>Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
>Many thanks in advance.
>Leta C Finch
>Assistant Leader/Higher Education Practice
>Marsh Management Services Inc.
>Phone: 802-864-3314
>Fax: 802-660-9188
>Internet: xxxxxx@marsh.com
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Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Virginia Commonwealth University
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