Re: Visa fees for foreign grant personnel
Wolterman, Ken (WOLTERK) 07 Aug 2002 06:38 EST
Why not? It's a relocation cost. I believe as long as they stay for 12
months it's allowed.
Relocation Costs: Allowable-in other than change of grantee organization
such costs are incurred incidental to a permanent change of duty assignment
(for an indefinite
period or for a stated period of no less than 12 months) for an existing
employee working on a
grant-supported project, or when a new employee is recruited for work on the
project, provided
that the move is for the grantee's benefit rather than the individual's, and
payment is made according to established organizational policies
consistently applied regardless of the source of
funds. Relocation costs may include the cost of transporting the employee
and his or her family,
dependents, and household goods to the new location and certain expenses
associated with the
sale of the former home. If relocation costs have been incurred in
connection with the recruitment
of a new employee, whether as a direct cost or an F&A cost, and the employee
resigns for
reasons within his or her control within 12 months after hire, the grantee
must credit the grant
account for the full cost of the relocation charged to the grant.
-----Original Message-----
From: Amy Hibbard [mailto:xxxxxx@KGI.EDU]
Sent: Tuesday: August 06, 2002 6:36 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: [RESADM-L] Visa fees for foreign grant personnel
Hi there-
I have a PI who wants to know if he can charge the visa fees for a foreign
postdoc he wants to hire to his NIH grant. My instinct is no, but I'm
having trouble finding the regulation that spells it out. Does anyone have
a reference for this in the NIH grants policy statement or an OMB circular?
Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what
no one else has thought.
-Albert von Nagyrapolt
Amy Hibbard
Grants Administrator
Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences
535 Watson Drive, Claremont, CA 91711
T: (909) 607-9313 / 607-7855
F: (909) 607-8086
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