I would recommend minimizing the formal contact
between the sponsored programs office and the
research compliance office and the support that
sponsored programs provides. As Director of the Office
of Sponsored Programs, I do have a close relationship
with our compliance office (IRB and IACUC) and sit on
both boards in an ex-officio capacity. However, it is
important to stress the notion that the issues are campus
issues not related solely to, or enforced only for,
sponsored programs. Some separation is necessary in
enforcing that notion.
Larry Waxler, Director |
Office of Sponsored Programs | TELEPHONE: 207-780-4413
University of Southern Maine | TELEFAX: 207-780-4417
P.O. Box 9300 | E-MAIL: xxxxxx@usm.maine.edu
96 Falmouth Street | WEB: www.usm.maine.edu/osp
Portland, Maine 04104-9300 |
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