Dear Bob,
Regulatory compliance is supported by our University through the Office of Grants and Contracts. Our budget comes from both our Foundation (post award) and the State of CA (we are a State University). I am the Regulatory Compliance Coordinator and support both the IRB and IACUC along with a number of other duties. A large portion of my job duties are dedicated to supporting the IRB Chair with all of the administrative needs that the IRB may have during the year. I can't see any other way that an institution would be successful in regulatory compliance without such a position. However, in the 23 universities in our CA statewide system, there are only a few people who fill a position like mine. Many of them have someone in the Grants and Contracts office process grants AND support some of the work for the IRB, but the Chairs are charged with much of the work themselves.... and that leads to other points of contention that would make this email message extremely lengthy :-).
If you are interested in a few job descriptions for our system, I think I could find them, if you think they will help you with your decision - just let me know.
Lori Jennex, M.A.
Regulatory Compliance Coordinator
California State University, Fullerton
Office of Grants and Contracts
PO Box 6850
Fullerton, CA 92834
(714) 278-7640
(714) 278-3000 (fax)
> ----------
> From: Robert DeMartino
> Reply To: Research Administration Discussion List
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 7:51 AM
> To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
> Subject: [RESADM-L]
> Hello
> We are looking at our IRB and trying to decide where the IRB should reside
> within the administrative structure of the University. I'd appreciate
> hearing from any of you with respect to where your IRB is residing. Also,
> can anyone comment on the support that the sponsored research office
> provides to the IRB, e.g. is there an administrator in the SRO dedicated to
> assisting the IRB Chair? Are there any other arrangements that have proved
> to be successful, or comments on any potential conflict of interest
> concerning the interaction of the SRO and the IRB? Please feel free to
> email me directly at
> Thank you!
> Bob De Martino
> Grants and Research Services
> Seton Hall University
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