Re: Authorized Organizational Representative -ElectronicSignature
Alexandra Thompson 25 Jul 2002 15:59 EST
Hi Bill and others!
We rely on the signatures on our paper routing form to document the administration's approval and SP office personnel electronically sign the Fastlane submissions. Our VP and President don't want to get involved with this task and have authorized the
SP office to take care of it. (Having just spent 2 years in Academic Affairs I know that if we insisted that they take care of the electronic signatures the task would simply be delegated to a secretary. I'd rather it was someone who understood all
the implications...) We're a two-person SP office and because I sometimes travel for more than five days -- or might get sick or run over by a bus or whatever -- it seemed wise that my assistant also be authorized to electronically sign Fastlane
submissions. We've been doing it this way since the electronic signature was introduced and it's worked well so far.
Alexandra Thompson
Assistant to the Dean and Director of Sponsored Programs
Graduate School
Armstrong Atlantic State University
11935 Abercorn Ext
Savannah GA 31419-1997
(912) 921-2331
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