Re: Executive Order 12372
Hastings, Kari L 24 Jun 2002 13:59 EST
We encountered the same situation here in Massachusetts. Instead of contacting
state officials I contacted ED and they said that we were to meet the
requirement only there was an identified contact. If there wasn't, we were not
required to do anything. Kari Hastings
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jessica K. Moraski [SMTP:xxxxxx@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US]
> Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 10:53 AM
> To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
> Subject: [RESADM-L] Executive Order 12372
> New York is one of the states that are no longer participating in the
> intergovernmental review process, and therefore do not have a Single Point
> of Contact (SPOC). When this first happened, we were given verbal
> direction from NYS's Division of the Budget to notify each of the areawide
> clearinghouses in our state of any applications which fell under EO 12372
> review. (There are 22 clearinghouses in NY!) However, we've never been
> able to find this in writing anywhere.
> Now I'm reading the guidance directly from the OMB website, and it seems to
> me that no action at all is necessary if our state is not participating.
> At this point, we are advising our investigators to notify all 22
> clearinghouses at the time they are submitting their applications.
> However, this may be unnecessary.
> Has anyone else run into this, either from NY or from another state that is
> not participating?
> Thanks for any information you can provide!
> ****************************
> Jessica Moraski, CRA
> Grant Administrator
> Health Research, Inc.
> One University Place
> Rensselaer, NY 12144
> (518) 431-1265
> (518) 431-1234 (FAX)
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