Re: Intellectual property Baumann, John 14 May 2002 20:06 EST

We have come across this as well.  However, since the projects that were submitted and/or funded did not, from the PI's perspective, particularly raise issues of intellectual property, we did not even attempt to challenge it.  Our sense, however, was that it would not be an easy challenge as this condition was apparently built into their basic, non-negoitable terms and conditions and principles of funding.  If anyone has had any experience and/or success challenging this term, I too would appreciate hearing about it.

John R. Baumann, Ph.D.
Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Support
University of Missouri -- Kansas City
5100 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, MO 64110

816.235.1303 (v)
816.235.6532 (f) -----Original Message-----
From: Amy Hibbard [mailto:xxxxxx@KGI.EDU]
Sent: Tue 5/14/2002 5:38 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: [RESADM-L] Intellectual property

	Hello all-
	I'd like to pick your collective brains for a minute about something.  I
	have a PI who would like to submit a Type G grant to the American Chemical
	Society.  One of the terms of the grant states, " . . . any patent which is
	taken out by or on behalf of the principal investigator or the grantee
	institution, and which is derived from research funded in whole or in part
	by this grant, shall be dedicated to the public, royalty free."  Is this a
	standard term, or if not, does it sound acceptable to you?
	My knowledge of IP, though increasing, would still fit into a small box.
	The award amount is small ($35K for two years), and I would hate to sign the
	PI's rights away, particularly for such a small amount.
	Thanks for your input on what, I hope, will turn out to be a case of the

	Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what
	no one else has thought.
	-Albert von Nagyrapolt

	Amy Hibbard
	Grants Administrator
	Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences
	535 Watson Drive, Claremont, CA 91711
	T: (909) 607-9313 / 607-7855
	F: (909) 607-8086

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