Policy and Planning Analyst position - UW Madison Nancy Wilkinson 06 May 2002 10:05 EST


The University of Wisconsin-Madison has created a unique opportunity
that we invite you to consider further.  Please see the full details
of the Policy and Planning Analyst position at
http://www.ohr.wisc.edu/pvl/pv_041687.html   Note that your
application must be received by May 31st.

As one of the great research universities, the University of
Wisconsin-Madison is now recognized as the #1 funded public
institution.  Our Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) is
the primary unit charged with managing a portfolio of nearly $700M.
This position will reside within RSP that includes both pre and post
award research administration.

We hope that you'll be intrigued by the possibilities for this new


Nancy L Wilkinson

Nancy L. Wilkinson
Asst. Vice Chancellor for Research
Assoc. Dean for Graduate Studies
Director for Research and Sponsored Programs
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Phone # (608) 262-3822
Fax# (608) 262-5111

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