Re: New Biosketch Form, Section 3 "Research Support"
Jon Elizabeth Hart 01 May 2002 08:09 EST
This is part of the Biographical Sketch, which you would only submit with a
2590 if there were new key personnel. The Research Support section is not
the same as Other Support. Other Support is now a "Just in Time"
submission, which means that it is asked for after the peer review process,
if the grant is likely to be funded. The reviewers now never see the Other
Support section. The Research Support section's function is to describe
the effort of the personnel on any funded projects they have worked on over
the past three years, in order to demonstrate to the reviewers that the
personnel proposed to do the work actually have the expertise to carry out
the project. If you would like further clarification, please give me a
call and we'll chat.
At 12:14 PM 4/30/02, you wrote:
>I am assisting with the preparation of a PHS2590 non-competing renewal
>form. The recent revision of this form now includes a Section 3 called
>"Research Support." I am confused as to how a non-PI is supposed to
>complete this section.
>Is this the same concept as "Other Support?" In other words, for a
>research technician who has assisted a PI on federally-funded work over
>the past 3 years BUT has no specific funding himself/herself, am I
>supposed to put "N/A" in this section since he/she has no external funding
>in his/her name?
>Or, are they getting at something else? If anybody has examples of how a
>non-PI with no funding in his/her name has completed this section and
>wouldn't mind e-mailing to me, I would be grateful.
>Thanks, Pat
>Pat Kaufman
>Director of Accounting and Grants Admin.
>Stowers Institute for Medical Research
>Kansas City, Missouri
>Ph 816-926-4027 Fax 816-926-2007
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Jon Hart, Senior Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
The Rockefeller University
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tel: (212) 327-8054; fax: (212) 327-8400
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