We have had some payment problems with small companies. As a result we are obtaining "Business Information Reports" from Dunn & Bradstreet, in addition to requiring payment in full up front or payment paced with project activities (to the extent possible).
D&B reports vary according to the availability of data available to them. While D&B may query companies for some of the its information, the companies do not always respond, so the information may at times be limited. The Business Information Reports include a payment summary as well as a report of any public filings against the company.
We receive a limited D&B service for a monthly amount of $31.50 plus a charge of $60.10 for each report requested. Reports are requested and received through D&B's website.
Sharon Armbrust, Director
Contracts and Grants Office
AC 119
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana 47306
Phone: 765-285-5289
Fax: 765-285-5224
E-mail: xxxxxx@bsu.edu
>>> xxxxxx@UDMERCY.EDU 03/26/02 03:44PM >>>
I don't think my first e-mail went thru, so I am posting my
question again.
Do any universities perform a credit review of organizations
you enter into a contract with? If so how do you determine
credit worthiness? and Who performs the review?
I would also like to know if your university does not
perform a credit review.
I appreciate any insight you can give.
Heather S. Wilson
Restricted Fund Accountant
University of Detroit Mercy
Phone: (313)993-1590
Fax: (313)993-1011
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