I've been asked to pose this question:
Have you used an outside consultant to write an RFA (not reply to one) for
your organization to disburse funds?
If so, please respond to me personally (off-line) with a name and phone
number of the consultant you used.
Thank you.
Bonnie Jo Brautigam
Research Grants Development Specialist
New York State Department of Health
Wadsworth Center
Room C345 Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza
PO Box 509
Albany, NY 12201-0509
Phone: 518-402-5033
Fax: 518-402-5540
Email: xxxxxx@health.state.ny.us
Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
via our web site at http://www.hrinet.org (click on "Listserv Lists")