NSF policy on academic salaries
Valerie Seaquist 22 Mar 2002 10:21 EST
Good Morning,
Every time I think I have "it" regarding the NSF policy on charging academic
salaries to grants, someone says, "yes, but . . ."
Some individuals keep stating that an academic person CANNOT charge to an
NSF grant during the academic year except with special permission.
My understanding of the NSF Grant Proposal Guide (II.c.6.a.(i)) is that, if
a faculty member obtains class release time (does not teach a normally
required course) in order to perform research on the NSF grant, he/she could
charge academic year time to the grant. He/she would not be "augmenting"
their salary or rate of salary, merely covering it from another source of
funds. If he/she earns $50K/academic year & works 20% on the NSF grant
during the academic year, he/she would charge 20% (or $10K) to the grant.
Which is correct? Thanks!
Val Seaquist
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