Re: Federal Per Diem Rate for Consultants
Howard M. Kaplan 26 Feb 2002 22:27 EST
Lynne -
Unfortunately, there is no "Federal" per diem rate for consultants? The
agencies that do list such a rate generally follow the phrasing in NSF's
policy document, "Grant General Conditions (GC-1)" the revised version that
went into effect April 1, 2001. Article 5. Consultant Services stipulates
that the current maximum rate for a consultant's services may not exceed the
daily equivalent of the then current maximum rate paid to an Executive
Schedule Level IV Federal employee (exclusive of indirect cost, travel, per
diem, clerical services, fringe benefits and supplies), which currently is
$498.00 per day (see
Several other agencies have a policy analogous to that cited in separate
e-mails from contract officials at the U. S. Department of Education and the
National Institutes of Health - namely: "...while there is no stated maximum
dollar amount, consultant rates charged under a grant or cooperative
agreement (or contract) must be consistent with the organization's policy or
rates for the work to be done. Before agreeing to or charging a consultant
rate to a grant, you should contact the appropriate person responsible for
administering the grant on behalf of (that Federal Agency)."
Hope that helps.
Best wishes,
Howie Kaplan
Dr. Howard M. Kaplan, Director
Office of Research Services & Sponsored Programs
Georgia Southern University
Hwy. 301 So. Office Bldg., P.O. Box 8005
Statesboro, GA 30460-8005
(Tel)912-681-5465; (Fax)912-681-0719;
-----Original Message-----
From: Research Administration List [mailto:xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG]On Behalf
Of Lynne Yerby
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 4:20 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: [RESADM-L] Federal Per Diem Rate for Consultants
Would anyone have the location for information on the allowable Federal
per diem rate for consultants?
Many thanks!
Lynne Yerby
Grants and Budget Administrator
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Five Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142
(617) 258-9364
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