I agree with this, too. We have to have a pretty god budget to get
the Dean's signature as well as the Provost's, etc. Also, if they
don't have a decent budget, the PI's rarely know how much to request.
>In priniciple I agree with the idea of never requiring things the
>sponsor does not require. On the other hand, if a reasonably
>detailed budget is not done, how do you arrive at the MTDC in order
>to calculate the proposed F&A costs?
>Keith Williams wrote:
>> Roberta,
>> We have just changed the policy at my institution: for a trial
>>period, we will not require faculty to submit detailed budgets with
>>modular proposals. This is the way they wanted to go, so we struck
>>a deal. The responsibility for using the correct fringe rates and
>>requesting an adequate number of modules will rest with the
>>PI/Department. We are a small school with a minimal sponsored
>>programs staff, so we divert some administrative burden to the
>>faculty anyway (or at least we try to) out of necessity. Of
>>course, we still offer any assistance they might need with budget
>>calculations. At the time of award, we will require a correct,
>>detailed budget before releasing funds.
>> In my personal opinion, it is hard to justify requiring something
>>(a budget) that the agency does not, and, in either scenario, the
>>PI is ultimately the person who should best know what funds are
>>required for the proposed science. As with other "just in time"
>>elements such as updated Other Support and IRB approval, the PI can
>>supply the budget once (s)he knows that funding is likely.
>> >"Roberta C. Nary" wrote:
>> >
>> >> We are looking at our current procedure that requires PI's to
>>submit a line
>> >> item budget for internal purposes, when submitting a modular grant
>> >> application. We are contemplating streamlining this process to eliminate
>> >> the line item budget request at the time of application, but
>>rather provide
>> >> it at the time of the award. At the time of submission they would be
>> >> required to provide the modular amount for year 1 and the out years,
>> >> identify costs that affect the amount of the module, that is if
>>there is an
>> >> increase/decrease in the modular request from one year to the next, and
>> >> identify costs that affect the F&A calculation.
>> >>
>> >> We be interested to hear from both sides, that is, those who do
>>require an
>> >> internal budget at the time of application and those who do not
>>require an
>> >> internal budget at the time of application. For those of you who do not
>> >> require an internal budget at the time of application, I would be
>> >> interested in knowing how it works at your institution.
>> >>
>> >> Thank you
>> >>
>> >> Roberta C. Nary, CRA
>> >> Director
>> >> Office of Sponsored Programs MS 116
>> >> Brandeis University
>> >> 781 736/2119
>> >> 781 736/2123
>> >>
>> >>
>> Keith Williams
>> Associate Director, Office of
>> Sponsored Programs
>> Georgia State University
>> 404-651-4352
>> xxxxxx@langate.gsu.edu
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>> ======================================================================
>Stephen Erickson, Director
>Office of Research Administration
>Boston College
>McGuinn Hall 600
>Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
>Telephone: 617-552-3345
>On-Campus Fax: 2-0747
>Fax to my computer: 413-895-8328
> Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
> subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
> via our web site at http://www.hrinet.org (click on "Listserv Lists")
Mike McCallister, Ph. D.
Director, Research and Sponsored Programs
University of Arkansas at Little Rock
2801 South University
Little Rock, AR 77204-1099
(v) 501-569-8474
Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
via our web site at http://www.hrinet.org (click on "Listserv Lists")