You mean they are not getting paid at all, but are working on the
project? Or they are getting paid but have voluntary cost sharing to
be reported? If it is the latter, then again, you can call it in-kind if
you want, but actual dollars are going out the door for that salary
and is in the accounting system somewhere and (if it isn't voluntary
UNcommitted, etc.,etc.) then it is documented through effort
reporting. I have found that the term "in-kind" means different
things to different people. When I say we don't allow "in-kind"
contributions, I guess what I am really saying is that if we are going
to count it as match, it has to be an actual expenditure
documented within the accounting system. PI's have been known
to dream up ideas for contributions that sound good to them, but
aren't actually anything that can be documented as a cost.
Date sent: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 16:14:42 -0500
Send reply to: Research Administration Discussion List <>
From: "Wolterman, Ken (WOLTERK)" <xxxxxx@UCMAIL.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] In Kind Documentation
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
What about a faculty member who wants to "volunteer" his summer effort to
the project?
-----Original Message-----
From: Shannon Fisher [mailto:xxxxxx@ANDY.LAN.KSU.EDU]
Sent: Thursday: November 08, 2001 3:01 PM
To: xxxxxx@HRINET.ORG
Subject: Re: [RESADM-L] In Kind Documentation
I may not be understanding your question completely, but here at
KSU, we don't provide "in-kind" matching on sponsored projects.
We accept it from third-parties (not often), but if the university is to
provide matching/cost sharing, it must be documented through the
accounting system. In other words, if we incurred a cost related to
the project, (crayons were bought to use on the project) then $
were paid out by the university (for crayons), so it is not an "in-
kind" contribution, and there is a related payment in the accounting
system somewhere. We require that the "somewhere" be a
separate account designated for matching. We report the
expenditures charged to that account to the sponsor as matching.
As I noted, we do have some cases where a third party is providing
"in-kind" contributions (some other entity is buying the crayons and
providing them for the project). A document we use for that at the
proposal stage is found at We modify it (mostly
remove the word "proposed") and use it to document and report
actual contributions to the sponsor if the project is actually funded.
Shannon Fisher
Assistant Controller
Kansas State University Controller's Office
Sponsored Projects Accounting
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Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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Shannon Fisher
Assistant Controller
Kansas State University Controller's Office
Sponsored Projects Accounting
Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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