Salary range & job descriptions Elisa Espinoza Fallows 29 Oct 2001 14:43 EST


I'm looking at salaries, mine and my office manager, and strongly feel that we need to bring them up.  Due to union rules and required increases, we have support staff that are making more money then we are.  I've discussed this with our director, but really need to show comparable salaries and jobs at other institutions.  Would anyone be willing to share their job description and a salary range?  For both a dept research administrator and office manager, if possible.


Elisa Espinoza Fallows
Administrative Manager
Oregon Institute on Disability & Development
Oregon Health &  Science University
P.O. Box 574, Portland, Ore.  97207-0574
707 SW Gaines Rd, Suite 3121, Portland, Ore. 97201-2901
[p]  503-494-7410  [t-f] 800-452-3563 *48364
[f]   503-494-6868  [e]

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