Re: Internal Awards Survey
Don Schmigel 25 Sep 2001 16:35 EST
Donald P. Schmigel, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
Children's Research Institute
Children's National Medical Center
111 Michigan Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20010-2970
Phone: (202) 884-4021
FAX: (202) 884-6510 (FAX)
>>> xxxxxx@RESEARCH.USF.EDU 09/25/01 10:14AM >>>
The University of South Florida is evaluating its Internal Awards process.
We would appreciate knowing how other universities conduct their internal
awards programs.
Listed below are a few specific questions:
1. How frequently is your internal awards program conducted? By semester,
quarter, year? Spring and Fall competition.
2. What is the maximum amount that can be requested? $30,000 (Direct) for faculty $5,000 (direct) for Fellows. If there is no maximum
amount, what is the typical level of funding?
3. What are the eligibility requirements for investigators applying for the
internal award? Are there criteria with regard to career stage (i.e.
academic rank) or history of external awards? Must have faculty appointment. Expectation that pilot study will result in external application for funding.
4. Do you have any mechanism for increasing the likelihood that the internal
awards will lead to external applications? This is an expectation of internal award. Failure to follow through would preclude future consideration for internal award.
5. Do you track the success of your internal awards program in leading to
subsequent external grants? If so, how do you track it? Can you share the
results with us? Yes. Simply use spreadsheet and coordinate information between internal application process manager and sponsored programs office.
6. Approximately what proportion of internal awards are funded? 30-40%
7. What is the total amount of internal awards funded annually? $250,000.
8. What are the primary sources of funds for internal awards? Unrestricted contributions.
Any and all feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Rebecca K. Puig
Electronic Research Administration Specialist
Division of Sponsored Research
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue, FAO 126
Tampa, FL 33620-7900
(813) 974-5465 Voice
(813) 974-4962 Fax
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