Re: Overnight carrier woes
Domenica G. Pappas 17 Sep 2001 14:52 EST
We use Fed-Ex and have had one or two problems in the last 3 years.
One of my jobs when I first arrived was to get a Fed Ex drop box installed
outside our building. As someone else said, it provides great rates! We
had to guarantee that we would have at least 5 packages in the box a day --
which isn't a problem. We have found that the rest of the University on
"this side of campus" uses the box too!
It also allowed us to tell our faculty that all proposals had to be in no
later than 4:00 because FedEx picks up at 6:00 from the drop box. We do
not make special arrangements to have courier pick-up -- only if the
package won't fit in the box!
Domenica G. Pappas
Associate Director
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs
Illinois Institute of Technology
3300 S. Federal Street
Main Building, Room 301H
Chicago, IL 60616-3793
Phone: (312) 567-3035
Fax: (312) 567-6980
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