At 11:45 AM 9/4/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I want to thank those who responded to my question on choice of law
>provisions in your state. For your convenience, I have copied my question
>to the listserve below:
> There is a Louisiana statute which prohibits state agencies from
> agreeing to any provision in a contract which requires interpretation of
> the agreement according to the laws of another jurisdiction. I am aware
> of other states which have similar laws, and we are usually able to
> resolve this issue when negotiating subawards with other public
> universities by agreeing to be silent on the choice of law.
> However, sponsors (usually commercial) will occasionally argue that
> universities in states other than Louisiana readily agree to be bound by
> the laws of another jurisdiction and consequently we are unreasonable in
> our position. I would like to conduct a survey on the choice of law
> provisions in other states. If you will share the information with me,
> I will compile a list of states which have a statutory choice of law
> requirement and post it to RESADM-L at a later date. A list of states
> which have choice of law provisions would prove useful when this issue
> arises during contract negotiations.
>Unfortunately, I did not ask the question as clearly as I should have.
>Please take a moment to fill in the blanks below and respond directly to
>me. I will compile a list of responses and post it to the RESADM-L.
>1. Your state: Virginia_______________________
>2. Is your institution: XX___ public ___ private (Clearly an
>important distinction)
>3. Will your institution agree to a contract provision which requires
>interpretation of the agreement according to the laws of another
>state/country: ___ yes xxx!!!__ no
>4. If the answer is no to question 2, is your refusal based on: ___
>institutional policy ___ state law
The interpretation and guidance of the Attorney General -- over MANY years
(it was long standing before I joined state service 30 years ago) -- has
been that Virginia is sovereign, and should not accept the laws of another
jurisdiction, but, to the best of my knowledge, it is not "black letter" law.
>James L. Bates
>Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
>330 Thomas Boyd Hall
>Louisiana State University and A&M College
>Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803
>Phone: (225)578-3386
>Fax: (225)578-5403
> Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
> subscription information and a web-searchable archive, are available
> via our web site at (click on "Listserv Lists")
Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
Virginia Commonwealth University
PO BOX 980568
Richmond, VA 23298-0568
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11th & Marshall Streets
Richmond, VA 23219
Voice: 804-828-6772
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OFFICE e-mail xxxxxx@VCU.EDU
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Instructions on how to use the RESADM-L Mailing List, including
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