Hiring a Part-time Employee for additional hours
Hahn, Janet M 24 Aug 2001 05:43 EST
I have an additional personnel question. I am currently creating a FAQ
document dealing with personnel questions for our campus. It is forcing
clarification in a number of areas. I came across a section of AMB A-21
that I had managed to forget.
OMB A-21 (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a021/a021.html) states
“Charges for work performed on sponsored agreements by faculty members
having only part-time appointments will be determined at a rate not in
excess of that regularly paid for the part-time assignments. For
example, an institution pays $5,000 to a faculty member for half-time
teaching during the academic year. He devoted one-half of his remaining
time to a sponsored agreement. Thus, his additional compensation,
chargeable by the institution to the agreement, would be one-half of
$5,000, or $2,500.”
This is unclear to me. We pay adjunct faculty at a rate similar to the
one quoted in the now venerable A-21, probably because of supply and
demand. If such a faculty member would also be hired for project
coordination, that rate might be higher, based on similar salaries on
campus. Would we really be basing it on the lower adjunct teaching
salary the individual was currently making?
Janet M. Hahn, CRA
Executive Director
Sponsored Programs and Grants Management
Box 6926 tel: 540-831-5479
Radford University fax: 540-831-6636
Radford, VA 24142-6926 xxxxxx@radford.edu
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