Supplemental Pay/Extra Compensation
Martha M. Taylor 23 Aug 2001 16:01 EST
I have searched the RESADM-L archives for information on overload policies,
supplemental pay discussions, and chats about extra compensation for
faculty/staff specifically as it applies to charging sponsored agreements.
I found some good discussions dating back to 1994. The interesting thing
about this subject is that many say it is not allowed per A-21, however, I
also surfed institutional web sites and found MANY policies where
universities have managed to figure out a way to make this acceptable.
What are the absolute constraints?
Do faculty have to be unionized?
Do faculty have to have formal contracts declaring exactly what a full load
Are 9-month and 12-month appointments treated differently?
Are staff allowed similar opportunities?
Is it strictly a medical school opportunity?
Is it consistently applied across the entire institution or unit by unit?
Are there maximum amounts allowed?
Some of the policies I have located address some of these questions but not
Can anyone who has such a policy identify some of the pitfalls and benefits
to having such a policy for extra pay? Can you explain how it came to pass
at your institution - who wrote it and who approved it? Have you had any
problems arise with audits or other issues because of the policy? Have any
of you abandoned such programs or policies? If so, why? Has it had the
impact you originally intended when the policy was introduced? Was it an
incentive to increase funding activity or simply to reward faculty? Are
your faculty on less than 100% appointments and the external funds bring
them to 100% or is it truly "extra" pay above their base? What special
considerations did you make to ensure compliance with A-21.
Any information or references to places I can look further is appreciated.
Please respond to me directly at Thanks.
Martha M. Taylor, Director
Office of Sponsored Programs
310 Samford Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5131
334-844-5953 (fax)
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