RCR and Compliance Issues Moreland, Kim 22 Aug 2001 23:24 EST

In response to questions about RCR and compliance training, I wanted to be
sure you knew about the NCURA videoconference series for 2001-2002.    Full
details are available at www.nucra.edu, but the titles and dates of the four
half-day sessions are listed  below:

 What Departmental Administrators
 Need to Know About Compliance
 September 6, 2001

 Compliance Issues for Clinical Trials
 January 15, 2002

 From a Culture of Compliance to
 a Culture of Concern: Building a
 Compliance Education Program
 That Works
 In cooperation with the National
 Association of College and University
 Attorneys (NACUA)
 March 19, 2002

 The True Costs of Compliance
 and Why We Must Invest
 May 14, 2002

Kim Moreland, Director
Grant and Contract Administration
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Avenue North
Seattle, WA  98109
206/667-4868 (voice)
206/667-6221 (fax)

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